Our Mission: To provide varying levels of non-emergent transportation with Compassion, Pride, & Respect

Our Services
Ambulance Transport
Since our founding in 2004, ambulance transport has been the backbone of North State operations. We offer both Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) on a 24/7 basis. These ambulances are staffed by EMTs and Paramedics, who are able to transport patients to a variety of locations. These can range from a hospital, rehab facility, skilled nursing, hospice center, private residence, and more.
Mobile Integrated Healthcare
In March 2021, North State launched an innovative Mobile Integrated Healthcare initiative after partnering with Medically Home and UNC Health. Our team of Rapid Response Paramedics (RRPs) provide “Hospital-At-Home” care to patients in UNC Health’s Advanced Care at Home program.
Special Event Coverage
North State Medical Transport offers medical standby for athletic and community events that require medical assistance and supervision.